Models in Architectural Design

Scientific coordination:
João Menezes de Sequeira
Luísa Paiva.
Guests / Dissertations:
João Pedro Nogueira Rei; Andreia Sofia Morais
João Filipe Teles Carvalho; Filipa Castela;
Tarcisio Pachinuapa, Pedro Sequeira
SHELTERS: ephemeral, sustainable and
emergency architecture

Scientific coordination:
João Menezes de Sequeira
Luisa Paiva, Catarina Pinto

Ludmila Florinda Baptista Coelho;
Rodrigo Faustino de Carvalho
Sara Santos Daniela Pires dos Santos
Daniel Alexandre Lança
Rhetoric of spaces / Art and Architecture

Scientific coordination:
João Menezes de Sequeira / Luisa Paiva

Outputs on Master Dissertations Supervision
Luis André Sequeira Correia (Dinâmicas do
Espaço: um contributo para a reflexão / space
dynamics: a contribution to debate);
Ana Margarida Lopes (percepção de espaços
em arquitectura - o caso da "casa das
histórias Paula Rego")
Filipe Lopes Brito (luz natural na concepção

Architectural Approaches to Urban
Space Fragmentation
Within Architectural Lab - Research Center
(LabART) at ULHT.
FCT: UID/AUR/04494/2013
Host institutions: ULHT and Gazi University,
Department of Architecture (FA).
Within CHAIA at Universidade de Évora.

Financed by: FCT; LLP ERASMOS
Programs: FCT PTDC/ATP-AQI/0407/2014;
PTDC/ATP-AQI/0407/2014; 2013-1-TR1-ERA10-
4873; 2013-1-ES1-ERA10-0088

Scientific coordination:
João M. Barbosa Menezes de Sequeira
Institutional Partners with the project: DGT
Researchers: Rui Alves; Rui Manuel Pereira
CMO Researchers: Florinda Rosa Pisco Lixa.
Architectural design operating concepts

Design Concepts: research on the heritage of the
conceptual operators explained in the classical
treatises, with special emphasis on the six concepts
of Vitruvius, symmetria, ordo, distributione eurytmia,
decore e dispositione. Genealogy of the terms, the
interpretation of Renaissance and Enlightenment.
The mythic-symbolic system of design in Classical

João Menezes de Sequeira

ARbD Architecture Research by Design

Scientific coordination:
João Menezes de Sequeira
Guest Researchers:
various from EAAE, CIAUD and CHAIA



Framework for Architectural Research

Creation of a framework for architectural
It's an investigation that begins with a cycle of
national and international conferences each
one addressed specific fields.
The development of this project went through
the collaboration in the research group of the
European Association for Architectural
Education (EAAE).

Scientific coordination:
João Menezes de Sequeira

L A B O R A T O R I O . D E . A R Q U I T E C T U R A . E . A R T E S - C E N T R O . D E . E S T U D O S - LabART
                                                                               L A B. . F O R . A R C H I T E C T U R E . A N D . A R T . P R O J E C T S. - R E S E A R C H . C E N T R E
Models and architectural projects by João Pedro Nogueira Rei
Rua das Janelas Verdes nº 32 Porta 19 1200-691 Lisboa (LabART - Artes)
Av. D. Vasco da Gama nº 52, 3Dtº 1400-128 Lisboa (LabART - Arquitectura)
phone: +351 213 901 567 / +351 213 021 312 Mobile: +351 919 321 164
Copyright ©2011  LABART - João Sequeira
updated in 2018
LabART was, from 2014 until September of 2017 a R&D Unit
registered in FCT under ref: UID/AUR/04494. With a GOOD
evaluation and with national funds. Ethical problems with
the host institution have lead us to step down and continue
our work outside as an independent and private office.
SAM was an internal research group of LabART and since
the saparation from the host institution assumed the role
of research unit of LabART.
SAM Researchers
Luísa Paiva (Arch. Painter. MSc. Doctor in Arts.)
João Menezes de Sequeira (Arch. Msc. PhD.)

SAM's advisory panel for scientific research
Murray Fraser
Prof. Dr. Arch - Professor of Architecture and Global Culture - Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment (UK) | FCT-
Urs Hirschberg
Prof. Dr. Arch - Vice-Dean Faculty of Architecture - Director TU Graz | FCT- E.M.S.C)
Johan De Walsche
Prof. Dr. Arch - Associated Professor, University of Antwerp (Belgium) |
Neil Spiller
Prof. Dr. Arch - Dean of School - University of Greenwich (UK) |
Oya Atalay Franck
Prof. Dr. Arch - Head of the Architecture - University of Applied Sciences Zurich in Winterthur ZHAW (Switzerland) |
LabART foi, de 2014 até Setembro de 2016 uma unidade de
I&D registada na FCT com a ref: UID/AUR/04494. Teve uma
avaliação de GOOD com financiamento nacional. Problemas
com a instituição de acolhimento levaram-nos a abandonar
a relação e a continuar o nosso trabalho como gabinete
independente. SAM era um grupo de investigação do
LabART. Desde a separação do LabART da anterior
Instituição de acolhimento, que o SAM se assume como
Unidade de Investigação (I&D) do LabART .