last update July 2019
AJAR arena journal of architectural research
3rd ARM Architecture Research Moments - 29th-30th January 2016
5º Seminário Internacional Museografia e Arquitetura de Museus: Fotografia e Memória (2016)
The European Architectural Research Network, ARENA, offers a shared platform that aims to promote, support, develop and disseminate high-quality research in all fields of architecture in the widest sense, including its links to building technology, environmental design, sustainable development, interior design, landscape architecture and urban design/urbanism, operating in domains from science and technology through to arts and humanities. One of the objectives is to support beginning researchers and PhD students in the field of architecture in improving the quality of their research.
Through ARM, the Architecture Research Moments, run by KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture, Campus Sint-Lucas, the ARENA network is hosting an international event at which early-stage researchers, doctoral students and post-docs are able to present their research project to experienced architectural researchers and have the work discussed by an international panel. After the successful editions in January 2014 and 2015, a third edition is organised in 2016.
AJAR, the ARENA Journal of Architectural Research, is an online Open Access peer-reviewed journal for all kinds of design research and scholarly research within the architectural field, and has been set up by the ARENA Architectural Research Network ( It welcomes the submission of essays by doctoral students and younger researchers as well as by established architects and academics. Content for the journal will be organised under 4 sections: Design, Technology, Practice, Humanities.
AJAR is published as one continuous online issue per year, with rapid publication as soon as articles are ready, thus ensuring authors do not experience unnecessary delay. All submissions are subjected to double blind peer-review, which has been shown to decrease gender bias in publication. There is no processing charge at all for contributors, meaning that AJAR is free and open access for authors as well as readers.
We accept online submissions via our journal website. Full submission guidelines can be found at
No 5º Seminário Museografia e Arquitetura de Museus os temas que serão discutidos
abrangerão diferentes referências e interpretações da Fotografia e da Memória,
incluindo os aspectos que integram a cultura à cidade contemporânea. Nesse sentido,
as palestras, mesas-redondas e sessões de comunicações do Seminário enquadrarão
Fotografia e Memória com base em eixos temáticos, a saber:
Eixo 1. Cultura e Cidades
Eixo 2. Exposições e Conservação
Eixo 3. Arte, Arquitetura e Técnica
Contacto para envio de textos:
Colloque International "au tournant de l'expérience" 11 et 12 mars 2016.
Le colloque international AU TOURNANT DE L'EXPÉRIENCE est une initiative du laboratoire GERPHAU, groupe d'étude et de recherche en Philosophie, Architecture, Urbain (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris La Villette, UMR 7218 CNRS-Lavue). Il s'agit du second événement du cycle « écosophie » organisé en partenariat avec la Cité de l'Architecture, avec le soutien du réseau philAU (réseau scientifique thématique : Philosophie, Architecture, Urbain). Ce colloque s'inscrit également parmi les initiatives portées par ARENA (Architectural Research in Europe Network Association), réseau européen pour la promotion et le développement de la recherche en architecture.
Le colloque AU TOURNANT DE L'EXPÉRIENCE se tiendra à la Cité de l'architecture et du patrimoine les 11 et 12 mars 2016. Un abstract de la communication (3000 signes, espaces inclus) devra être envoyé au plus tard le 4 janvier 2016 à l'adresse suivante
Call for abstracts "alterRurality 3: Fieldwork Lettefrack"
(9th June 2016) Deadline for abstracts 25th of February
Closed Calls
Arquitetura Portuguesa | Criatividade e Inovação
De 18 março a 6 junho 2016 | Das 10:00 às 18:00 | Encerra às terças
Galeria de Exposições Temporárias da Sede, piso 01da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Exposição sobre o processo criativo em arquitetura que apresenta sete projetos
concebidos por ateliês portugueses de referência: Álvaro Siza, Gonçalo Byrne, Francisco
e Manuel Aires Mateus, João Luís Carrilho da Graça, Inês Lobo, José e Nuno Mateus -
ARX Portugal e Eduardo Souto de Moura.
MoR_SE Matters of research in Architecture: sharing experiences on research by design (27th of May 2016) U. Liége
Free entrance (Spoken languages - English and French)
Session 1 : Design Research and Practice-Led Research in the 3d cycle program
With Johan Verbeke from KU Leuven
Session 2 : Strategies and relationships between Design Research and 2d cycle program.
With Kris Scheerlinck from KU Leuven Department of Architecture.
and João Barbosa Sequeira from Architectural Lab. Research Centre LabART
Program here
DR_SoM: Design Research, Series on Method (22 April)
Design Research (in) Practice
22th of April at the University of Reading Berkshire, United Kingdom
The fourth session of DR_SoM (Design Research Series on Method) will take place at the new school of Architecture at Reading University in the UK. It will focus on Research Methods used by practitioners, architectural and other, for the study of practice. We are looking for presentations of projects and practices that frame design in a rigorous way, in terms of aims, methodologies, and forms of critical reflection that might even acknowledge and celebrate the importance of meandering and failure. Presentations are invited from architectural practitioners who are undertaking research in practice and from those who are studying the processes and methodologies of practice research. We want to hear how practitioners proceed with their design-related research, how they think about the ways in which their design approach increases knowledge about design and building.
Also at:
Permanent Calls
CA²RE, the Conference for Artstc and Architectural (Doctoral) Research, proceeds from the previous ARM
(Architectural Research Moments) symposia, with a favour of the PRS (Practce Research Symposium). It will
be hosted in early-April 2017 at the KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture’s Sint- Lucas Campus in Ghent, in
collaboraton with LUCA School of Arts, ARENA, EAAE and ELIA. The aim is to create an internatonal event at
which early- career researchers, doctoral students and post-docs can present their research project to
experienced researchers and have their work discussed by internatonal panels in these diverse felds.
Venue: 8th - 9th April 2017 KU Leuven, Faculty of Architecture, Campus Sint-Lucas, Hoogstraat 51, B-9000
Ghent. Submission of abstract for peer review: 15th December 2016
CA²RE, the Conference for Artistic and Architectural (Doctoral) Research
Impact by Design
Research in the felds of architecture and the arts has developed substantally over the last decades. ARENA
(Architectural Research European Network Associaton) is now one of the major organisatons focusing on
research, and this conference on ‘Impact by Designing’ is the Third Annual Conference to be organized by the
network. The conference on ‘Impact by Designing’ strives to explore those developments in research that have
evolved around creatve practces - specifcally focusing on architecture, design, arts and music.
Venue: 6th-7th April 2017 KU Leuven, Faculty of Architecture, Campus Sint-Lucas, Paleizenstraat 65-67, B-1030
Brussels. Submission of abstract for peer review: 15th November 2016
Model as Medium and Method On architectural research questions, and how models can address them. At Cork Centre for Architectural Education, Ireland 3-4 November 2016.
The ARENA DR_SoM group invites architects and architectural design researchers to share their experiences with peers. This will not be done in a theoretical way, but based instead on the presentation of own current design and research work. A Scientific Committee will select 10-15 proposals for presentation at the event.
The fifth session of DR_SoM (Design Research Series on Method) will take place at the Cork Centre for Architectural Education, Ireland. It will focus on when, how, and why design research can methodologically rely on spatial models, both physical and virtual. More particularly, the seminar will investigate coherence between the insights which are provided by the model or by model-making, and the research question at stake. Why is making a model the most appropriate way to answer the research question? The DR_SoM session looks at the revealing and constituting power of models, and aims to inspire the participants in the capacity of models and model making as particular ways of gaining and sharing insights.
L A B O R A T O R I O . D E . A R Q U I T E C T U R A . E . A R T E S - C E N T R O . D E . E S T U D O S - LabART
L A B. . F O R . A R C H I T E C T U R E . A N D . A R T . P R O J E C T S. - R E S E A R C H . C E N T R E
Rua das Janelas Verdes nº 32 Porta 19 1200-691 Lisboa (LabART - Artes)
Av. D. Vasco da Gama nº 52, 3Dtº 1400-128 Lisboa (LabART - Arquitectura)
phone: +351 213 901 567 / +351 213 021 312 Mobile: +351 919 321 164
Copyright ©2011 LABART - João Sequeira
updated in 2018
International Conference to be held at the Bartlett School of Architecture, Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment, University College London, UK
Practice & Design Driven Research
With CA²RE, the Architectural Research European Network Association (ARENA), the European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE) and the European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA) are seeking to offer a joint platform for research in all fields of architecture, design and arts.
CA²RE will be hosted in October 2019 at KU Leuven in Ghent, Belgium in association with ARENA, EAAE and ELIAThe next CA²RE Event is to take place at the KU Leuven, Faculty of Architecture, Campus Sint Lucas Ghent, 4-7 October 2019
Registration: 2nd June 2019
For submission and more detailed information on submission requirements, please refer to the conference website:
CA²RE @ GHENT 2019-OCT-4-7
Digital Practice : emerging possibilities in a shifting architectural profession
The seventh session of DR_SoM (Design Research Series on Method) will take place at Graz University of Technology. This event is also the 5th Annual Conference of the Architectural Research in Europe Network Association (ARENA). For the third time DR_SoM focuses on architectural research in practice, but for the first time with an emphasis on the digital. In particular, we want to hear about projects and practices that see digital technology as a new way to think and conceive of design. For more information on the theme, please read the Call for Abstracts, at: